Licensed Insurance Agents Join Our Team
Come join the team at “THAT INSURANCE SERVICE”, a GENX partner, where you and every licensed agent you recruit starts at 75% commission. THAT’S correct 75% commissions.
Yes! Imagine how easy it would be to build a small agency of 4 people or a large agency of 4,000 people at an entry level of 75%. It’s up to you how big you want to be..
Interested? Let’s have a conversation to learn how to Get Started!

Unlicensed Builder Recruiters Join Our Team
magine a referral program that has an infinity bonus structure on all levels deep. How would you like to override licensed Agents and other referral partners? This is team building made easy.
Come join the team with “THAT INSURANCE SERVICE”, a GENX partner, where you and every licensed and unlicensed agent you recruit starts at 75% commission. THAT’S correct 75% commissions.
Yes! Imagine how easy it would be to build a small agency of 4 people or a large agency of 4,000 people at an entry level of 75%. It’s up to you how big you want to be..
Interested? Let’s have a conversation to learn how to Get Started!
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Every life matters, we do care for our Customers
From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, we dedicated financial services the teams serve